Please visit our Forms page for the Quilt Show Entry Form. Please read the form and the following information carefully!
- Quilts must be at least 24” x 36” and may not exceed 96” in width or length.
- All quilts require a 4” wide finished sleeve along the top edge.
- Quilts must have a fabric label stitched to the back of each quilt, at or near a bottom corner. Include the quilt name and the exhibitor’s name
- Panels, pre-printed pieces and unfinished quilts will not be accepted for regular display. By definition, a quilt is two layers of fabric with a filling that is stitched together with lines or a pattern. Quilting must be done by hand or machine. Tied quilts do not meet the definition of a quilt for this show.
- A claim check will be issued at the time quilts are delivered to The Oregon Garden.
- Insurance is the sole responsibility of the entrant. The Oregon Garden assumes no liability for the quilts and cannot be held responsible in the unlikely event that a quilt is damaged or lost. Staff and volunteers will be on hand throughout the show. The Pavilion will be locked during the overnight hours.
- Quilts may be photographed by The Oregon Garden or show attendees. Submission of a quilt to The Oregon Garden Stitches in Bloom show constitutes permission by the quilter/owner for such photographs.
- Quilts may not have been shown in a previous Stitches in Bloom show.
Please Note:
Entry forms must be filled out, signed and accompanied by a photo and payment of $10 per entry. Quilt entries include admission to Stitches in Bloom & The Garden.
Stitches in Bloom reserves the right to reject any quilt that does not meet the criteria stated above.